
How do I add someone to my buddy list?

A buddy is someone that you contact regularly and want to have quick access to. When you add a member to your Buddy List they are grouped with the other members you have added.

To add a Buddy, just click the button on the profile of the member you would like to add to your list. The other member will not be notified if you add him to your Buddy List. Full Access members can have up to 1,000 men on their Buddy List. Limited members are permitted 5 men on their Buddy List.


To access your buddies list:

- Click on 

- Choose  or 

Once your in the buddy list you have several options to sort your buddy list.

Sorry, but we cannot edit or remove buddies for you. If you would like to remove some buddies from your list, just click on Remove under their username and pic.

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