
Public and Private Rooms

Our Multi chat introduces multiple rooms for users to chat in!


  • Your current room is displayed at the top right of the screen
  • By selecting the icon next to the room name, you can see a list of all available public chat rooms. Simply select a room from the list to join.

You can also create your own room, either from the room list or from the main screen.

  • You can name your room whatever you like!
  • To invite others to the room, simply use the search option under 'invite other users'
  • Created rooms are public by default, but VIP members can make the room private, meaning only invited users are allowed to join. 
  • Once created, you can invite more users by selecting 'my room actions' at the top of the page.
  • Created rooms will be closed and removed from the room list once all members have left.

NOTE: You must have one user invited in order to create a room.


Click on a user you would like to invite and then create the room.

You can invite more users after the room is created.


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